Hi-Track read timed out

Trying to investigate a nasty problem. Every day during seemingly the same hours, i.e. from 4 to 8 a.m., Hitrack reports that one of the controllers in the array it monitors is not responding. During the second consecutive check the problem resolves and the array stays healthy for the rest of the day. Next day it all starts over. The disk array (AMS2100) has the latest firmware installed and no errors or packet drops have been caught in the network. But Hitrack’s logs clearly show that there is a problem and as soon as it reports “Read timed out (2)” twice in a row the aforementioned alert hits the road. Hope, I could find the answer before my head cracks.

Update. Once we had migrated our HCS (HDvM and HTnM) from Windows to Linux the issue miraculously just gone away. And that wasn’t just a coincidence. We didn’t wiped out our Windows installation straight away but just powered it off. And then we turned it back on, guess what? Yes, the original issues had started to pop up again.

Posted on August 25, 2011 at 9:26 am by sergeyt · Permalink

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