Author Archive
LISA 2021 Conference
This year LISA 2021 is going to be held as a virtual event with a very modest price. Which gives an incredible opportunity to attend it for those who could do that during the previous years due to the overall price-tag, i.e. transportation + accommodation + conference + misc. costs. By flipping through the program […]
Upgraded to FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE
My small FreeBSD based droplet which I run in DigitalOcean is certainly unrepresentative but nevertheless I was very pleased with the smoothness of my recent upgrade to FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE. Just a single reboot and here I am running the latest version of FreeBSD: [freebsd@flagword ~]$ freebsd-version 13.0-RELEASE
Canceled my booking
As of January 1st I’m no longer employed by and surely have some mixed feeling about that. But as the saying goes – “every cloud has a silver lining” so I’m looking in to the future with a strong optimism. New Year – New Beginnings. ;-)
Advent of Code 2020 experience
This year was the very first one when I was able to follow along with the daily Advent of Code 2020 small programming puzzles. “Small” is certainly a subjective word as I still have yet to finish part 2 of days 19 and 20 but overall it has been an exciting journey that gave me […]
my experience with kernel lockdown and eBFP
I’m running Ubuntu Linux on Dell Latitude 7390 and was extremely baffled when suddenly I couldn’t run any of eBPF tools. Even running as root I received this: Error creating map: ‘@curfreq’: Operation not permitted Error creating map: ‘@process_mhz’: Operation not permitted Error creating map: ‘@system_mhz’: Operation not permitted Error creating printf map: Operation not […]
Christmas gifts 2020 already in house
It all started with a long awaited book by Brendan Gregg “BPF Performance Tools” that I decided to purchase directly from since didn’t have it in store and it wasn’t clear at all when they would have one. Then another day I found this in my mail box: With a couple of cute […]
My trivial Linux kernel module in Rust
Couple of weeks ago had a chance to participate in a small gig at work that offered a chance to try Rust as a language for wringing Linux kernel module. It was a steep learning experience which made it super fun. Huge shout out to folks behind linux-kernel-module-rust framework without whom nothing would be possible. […]
In: Linux, Programming
Time to learn something OSX new
Received Volume I and II back in December 2019 and before that had been craving to own them for quite a while. The catalyst that finally motivated me to buy one was the final call or, more correctly, a tweet. I’ve quickly gleaned through the books and the depth of the material was impressive and […]
Finished “Permanent Record”
Just turned the final page of Permanent Record and, not taking into account that I haven’t read a real physical book for quite a while, must say this one was thrillingly riveting. The world would’ve been undoubtedly a better place had we had more Snowdens among us.
python-bpfcc on Ubuntu 19.10 misses PerfEventArray due to an outdated bpfcc-tools
If you, like me, follow bcc Python Developer Tutorial, to sharpen bpf skills you might hit the same snag as I did when I was trying to implement a solution for lesson 8: Traceback (most recent call last): File “_ctypes/callbacks.c”, line 315, in ‘calling callback function’ File “/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bcc/”, line 572, in raw_cb_ callback(cpu, data, size) […]